12月15日 週四
於本次的線上研討會中,我們將回顧敏捷模式或戰時備用模式Wartime reserve mode (WARM) 雷達和電子戰 (EW) 威脅發射器對雷達和電子戰系統中傳統靜態威脅資料庫實行的挑戰。
2022年12月15日 上午10:00 – 上午11:00
於本次的線上研討會中,我們將回顧敏捷模式或戰時備用模式Wartime reserve mode (WARM) 雷達和電子戰 (EW) 威脅發射器對雷達和電子戰系統中傳統靜態威脅資料庫實行的挑戰。我們將評估可用於提供有效射頻對抗措施的認知人工智能 (AI) 和機器學習 (ML) 系統的架構。我們也將討論如何使用寬頻 RF 記錄、模擬和回放系統來訓練 AI/ML 引擎,並評估這些對策在代表性 RF 硬件上的回應和有效性。
- 人工智能/機器學習在雷達和電子戰系統中的應用
- 使用 RF 模擬、記錄和回放解決方案來訓練 AI/ML 引擎
- 評估電子戰反制措施的反應和有效性
Tim Fountain
Global Market Segment Manager
Rohde & Schwarz
Tim Fountain is the Global Market Segment Manager at Rohde & Schwarz, where he is responsible for the RADAR & Electronic Warfare segment. Tim has over 30 years of experience with market leaders in the Test & Measurement industry, focusing on RF and microwave applications in Aerospace & Defense. He started his professional life as an application engineer and has also held roles in R&D, corporate management, product planning, product marketing and business development. Tim holds a Masters Degree in Electrical and Electronic engineering from University of Hertfordshire in the UK. He is also certified as a chartered professional engineer in Europe. In his spare time Tim likes to fly, and is an instrument rated private pilot.