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Global Regulatory Testing Day
Global Regulatory Testing Day

3月30日 週四


華南銀行總行大樓會議中心 202 會議室

Global Regulatory Testing Day

深入剖析 EMC 及 Wireless Regulatory 測量方法應用於 5G 及低軌道衛星之最新解決方案及法規,提供 CISPR、RED、ANSI 更新,站在全球角度分享衛星 AIAA、GSFC 與 ECSS標準比較等資訊。


2023年3月30日 下午1:00 – 下午5:00

華南銀行總行大樓會議中心 202 會議室, 110台灣台北市信義區松仁路123號


台灣羅德史瓦茲邀集各領域專家學者,深入剖析 EMC 及 Wireless Regulatory 測量方法應用於 5G 及低軌道衛星之最新解決方案及法規,提供 CISPR、RED、ANSI 更新,站在全球角度分享衛星 AIAA、GSFC 與 ECSS標準比較等資訊。


–  無線通訊跨足醫療領域的近場輻射干擾和設計合規性要點

–  如何擅用 EMI Test Receiver、Power Amplifier 與 EMC 測試軟體 Elektrk 因應現今法規要求

–  NCC 法規 PLMN 12 自動化測試方案,及MIMO Throughput 測試效能評估

前往報名 >


Daniel Loo / Solutions Senior Engineer, R&S Asia

身為 EMC Systems 的技術銷售工程師, 支持了 EMC 測試系統的多次交付。最值得注意的是,在ASEAN交付了兩個帶有 EMC 測試系統的完整交鑰匙 10m 試驗室。他積極參與 EMC 活動,例如 EMC 項目、新系統計劃和參加 EMC 研討會。目前支持中國、印度、臺灣等國家。精通商業、汽車和軍用 EMC 標準和要求。已支持該地區的許多政府機構和國際測試實驗室。

Dr. Han-Nien Lin / Professor, Feng-Chia University

Dr. Han-Nien Lin received the B S degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1984, both M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Electrophysics from Polytechnic University (Now as New York University Tandon School), New York, 1989 and 1996 respectively. After graduating from the Polytechnic University, he returned to Taiwan and worked as an EMC Researcher at Taiwan Electronics Testing Center from 1996 to 1997. From 1997 to 1999, he worked as R&D Manager for the E-Lead Electronic Co.Ltd. Since he joined the E-Lead Electronic, he has been involved in automobile electronics, Digital Audio Broadcasting and communications research and development. He joined the faculty in Department of Electrical Engineering at Da-Yeh University, Taiwan from 1999 to 2006. He was then invited to help establish IC-EMC Research and development Center at Feng-Chia University and joined the faculty in Department of Communications Engineering at Feng-Chia University. He is currently Professor of Communications Engineering and Director of the IC-EMC Research Center at the Feng-Chia University. He has been named for chair of EMC subcommittee of Chinese National Standards (CNS) by BSMI to technically review the related national standards since 1999. He has also been the lead technical assessor for Laboratory Accreditation of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) since 1999 and Bluetooth Technical Assessor (BTA) since 2005. He has extensive industrial experience, and is active in consulting work in both the EMC and wireless communications areas. His current research interests mainly focuses on developing electromagnetic behavior modeling and simulation for radiation emission in IC packages and SoCs, on modeling and simulation for modules’ intra-system interference on multi-radios platform, on developing applications implementation and measuring technique of reverberation chamber. He has authored and co-authored more than 100s technical and conference papers and published two books about PI/SI/EMI, and is a contributing author for 10s patents relating to EMC and antenna designs. Due to the contribution to both industrial and academic sections for EMC research and technology development, he is honorly named as distinguished lecturer for 2016 by Taiwan Electromagnetic Industry-Academia Consortium (TEMIAC). Dr. Lin is currently serving as Chair of TEMIAC IC EMC Model SIG, Chair of Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineer and Deputy Chair of Antenna Engineer Certificate Committee of iPAS (Industry Professional Assessment System) Industrial Development Bureau, Taiwan

Edmund Yen / Technical Manager ; Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan

Edmund Yen joined Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan in 2003. He mainly focused on DTV Broadcasting Support in the T&M industry and TV Operator field for over 10 years. He is also a certified regional trainer from the HQ Learning Center and can offer customized training to external and internal staff. Currently, Edmund mainly focuses on EMC Business and Project support, including Medical, Military, Automotive, and Commercial sectors. Additionally, he works as a technical consultant to support Channel Partner Business.

Xie Feng (Rich) / Market Segment Manager, R&S

Mr. Feng(Rich) Xie has over 20 years working experience at Rohde & Schwarz. Prior to his current role as market segment manager, Mr. Xie worked as R&D engineer and application manager for wireless communication test and measurement instruments. His area of expertise lies in the field of test and measurement techniques for wireless communication standards. And his current interest is focusing on the trends of the wireless communication technologies and global regulatory test requirements. Mr. Feng Xie holds several international patents in wireless communication test & measurement area. Mr. Feng Xie holds ‘Diplom-Ingenieur’ degree from Essen-Duisburg University, Germany and bachelor of engineering degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Chuck Lo / Application Engineer , R&S Taiwan

羅宇恩先生於2017年加入台灣羅德史瓦茲,現職為應用工程部應用工程師;曾任職於華寶通訊射頻工程師及台灣高通應用工程師,負責手機射頻設計及debug,在行動通訊系統領域上具有豐富之經驗。現於台灣羅德史瓦茲行動終端量測部門專門負責CMW500 GSM / WCDMA / HSPA / LTE 等通訊系統RF/Protocol/IOT相關測試項目問題的排除;協助國內手機晶片製造商,進行各種R&S儀器的使用或應用上問題的協助與排除。


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