9月18日 週一
|Taipei Marriott Hotel
PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop #126
The PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop #126 will be held September 18 – September 22, 2023 at the Taipei Marriott in Taipei, Taiwan. This event included Integrators List product testing for PCIe 4.0 and PCIe 5.0 products.
2023年9月18日 上午9:00 – 2023年9月22日 下午6:00
Taipei Marriott Hotel, 10491台湾台北市中山區敬業四路34號
Compliance Workshop #126 – Register Here
- September 18 – September 22, 2023 Taipei Marriott Hotel Taipei, Taiwan
The PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop #126 will be held September 18 – September 22, 2023 at the Taipei Marriott in Taipei, Taiwan. This event included Integrators List product testing for PCIe 4.0 and PCIe 5.0 products. As of the September 2022 Compliance Workshop, product registration options will include PCIe 4.0 Official Testing at 2.5, 5, 8 or 16 GT/s maximum link speed and PCIe 5.0 Official Testing at 2.5, 5, 8, 16 or 32 GT/s.
Please review the PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop #126 Invitation and the PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop Overview Presentation.
- For additional instructions on how to register and what to bring, please read the Registration Details & Policies
- View more information about the PCI-SIG Compliance Program
Attendees, to book a room at the Taipei Marriott Hotel, please visit our group specific page here: Book your group rate for PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop #126
Shipping: Please note that shipping to the hotel is only available to those staying at the hotel.
Ship to: Marriott Taipei- No. 199號, Lequn 2nd Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10491 Tel: +886 2-8502 9999, Fax: +886 2-8502 6866 Attn: Hold for (Your name / Your company name / Tel.) / September 18 – 22, 2023 PCI-SIG / C. Lear-Ward
REGISTER EARLY: In case registration exceeds our testing capacities, we have established a reasonable cap for each product type and revision. If these caps are reached during online registration, we will put any additional products on a waiting list. Products will be removed from the waiting list and added as a registered product if possible, based on the order of their attempted registration and will be notified as early as the week after the registration deadline of Thursday, August 17th, 2023.
COST: Attendance at this Members Only event is free. Please note that, if you do not bring your product to the event or your product registration is not canceled by 5pm (PT) on Thursday, August 17th, 2023., you will be invoiced a $250 no show fee. This event is non-hosted. Participants pay for their own travel, food, and hotel expenses. Lunch is provided for attendees Monday through Friday.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE & TESTING SCHEDULES: We do not accept onsite product registrations so you MUST register your product prior to the registration cut-off date of 5pm (PT) on Thursday, August 17th, 2023. Your testing schedule will be created based off of the information you provide for your registered product, so please be sure that any changes to your product’s information are completed prior to 5pm (PT) on Thursday, August 17th, 2023. No product detail changes are allowed after registration has closed as we will be distributing anonymized testing schedules in advance of the event.
Advantages Offered to Members: Bring your PCI Express based system and/or card to participate in the compliance and interoperability testing to ensure compatibility with other systems and components. With testing you will be able to analyze and fix problems before your components enter the field, thus saving your company valuable time and resources. This compliance workshop will also offer valuable networking opportunities with your fellow PCI Express engineers. This is a free event for members, and does require membership in the PCI-SIG to attend.
View the recent PCI-SIG Compliance Workshop Overview video to learn more about why your company should participate and how to get your company’s product added to the Integrators List.
Testing at Compliance Workshop #126 Includes: PCI Express 5.0 – Official Testing PCI Express 5.0 Retimer FYI Testing PCI Express 4.0 – Official Testing PCI Express 4.0 Retimer – Official Testing PCI Express U.2™/SFF-8639 (8 GT/s) – Official Testing
Important Notes:
- Please review the Terms of Participation prior to attendance. These Terms of Participation will govern your activities during the Test Event, including your obligations to keep certain information confidential.
- All tests associated with a product being added to the Integrators List must be performed at a single workshop.
- Switches/Bridges and Retimer Products require registrations as both an Add-In Card and System.
- Onsite product registration is not available so you MUST register your product prior to the registration cut-off date. Your testing schedule will be created based off of the information you provide for your registered product, so please be sure that any changes to your product’s information are completed prior to 5pm (PT) on Thursday, August 17th, 2023. No product detail changes may be made after registration has closed as we will be distributing anonymized testing schedules in advance of the event.
- To attend the workshop you must be testing a product.
- All tests associated with a product being added to the Integrators List must be performed at a single workshop.
- After testing has begun you are unable to change product registration details
- Failure to collect schedules during the schedule distribution without prior communication to PCI-SIG may result in cancelation of all time slots
For additional information or questions about this event, please send us an email at compliance@pcisig.com.