5月25日 週四
如何使用下一代 VNA 輕鬆量測衛星接收器表徵
本線上研討會中討論的模組是衛星接收器(或一般接收器),是高增益、頻率轉換與不可訪問的內部 LO 組合,測試參數的數量使得表徵非常具有挑戰性。
2023年5月25日 上午10:00 – 上午11:00
本線上研討會中討論的模組是衛星接收器(或一般接收器),是高增益、頻率轉換與不可訪問的內部 LO 組合,測試參數的數量使得表徵非常具有挑戰性。
我們將介紹了羅德史瓦茲高階向量網路分析儀 ZNA 的功能,支持對此類設備進行全面可靠的表徵。
- 現代衛星設計中輸鏈的優化
- 如何測量和評估高增益衛星接收器的性能
Dr.Yvonne Weitsch
Market Segment Manager
Rohde & Schwarz
Dr. Yvonne Weitsch is Market Segment Manager for the application segment Satellite Test at Rohde & Schwarz International GmbH, Munich, Germany. She is responsible for business development, marketing and she is the interface between the sales and the development departments. She received her PhD from the Technical University of Munich. At R&S, she started working at the antenna development department with a focus on antenna measurement techniques and near-/far-field transformation technologies.
Dr. Albert Gleißner
Product Manager Network Analyzers
Rohde & Schwarz
Dr. Albert Gleißner studied Physics at the Technical University in Munich and continued working in the area of fundamental research, finally completed with the acquisition of the doctor`s degree. With the first employment, he changed to the design of general test and measurement systems, with focus on marketing and commercial aspects. Employed at Rohde & Schwarz since 1997, he works as a product manager for vector network analyzers, with focus on the high-end series and application oriented activities.