3月31日 週五
國防無線電 RF 測試指南
將透過實際無線電學習基本概念和實證,了解如何藉由儀器操作來執行發射和接收測試、IQ 記錄、回放和驗證波形參數...
2023年3月31日 上午10:00 – 上午11:00
採用軟體定義的無線電架構的安全通信,使用功能更強大、可互操作、安全和強大的無線電,讓武裝和公共安全部隊能夠提高他們的態勢感知能力。然而, 隨著無線電的複雜性和可靠性要求有所增加,迫使製造商和運營商投資於新的設計方法並開發更詳盡的多域測試程序。
在線上研討會的第一部分,我們將重點介紹可以使用One Box Tester無線電測試儀執行的主要射頻測試程序。我們將透過實際無線電學習基本概念和實證,了解如何藉由儀器操作來執行發射和接收測試、IQ 記錄、回放和驗證波形參數,在本例中以 APCO 無線電為例。最後,我們將學習如何設置自動化測試序列以及如何解釋自動產生的報告,這對 I 級和 O 級維護非常有用。請加入本系列的第一部分,了解如何使用 R&S 的測試解決方案在實驗室和現場進行射頻測量。
Albert Ramirez
Global Sales Director in the Aerospace & Defense Test
Rohde & Schwarz
Albert Ramírez Pérez is the Global Sales Director for the aerospace and defense market at Rohde Schwarz and has been working in the aerospace Industry for almost two decades. Nowadays, Albert is focusing on the military communication segment as he has years of engineering experience at the military aeronautics industry acting as a systems engineer. He was responsible for the communications design and was the software certification expert for the A400M and Eurofighter Aircraft and the NH90 and Tiger Helicopters.
Albert also has a very strong background in aerospace standardization, as he has developed business for MathWorks for over 6 years, helping aerospace customers adopt model-based design and simulation software to comply with aerospace standards such RTCA, ECSS or NASA among others. Albert studied radiofrequency communications engineering and holds an MBA in Economy and Innovation Management.