2月16日 週四
|財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心 802會議室
寬能隙半導體(Wideband Gap Semicocustors)中,碳化矽半導體(SiC)功率元件隨著電源的開關速率提高,雙脈衝測試 (Double-Pulse Testing)亦備受矚目,此測試方式利用巧妙的電路結構檢測功率器件的瞬態開關特性、吸收電路設計、短路特性…等的實際表現,同時適用於MOSFET及IGBT之量測。本次研討會將聚焦於寬能隙半導體之虛擬設計、驗證深入解析,亦提供規劃雙脈衝測試時不可忽視的測量細節。
2023年2月16日 下午1:30 – 下午5:05
財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心 802會議室, 100台湾台北市中正區中山南路11號
因應第三類半導體如火如荼開展,高功率、高電能損枆及效率等議題在節能扮演至關重要的角色;其應用場景廣泛,涵蓋馬達、Data Center、白色家電,乃至全球聚焦的電動車議題。
寬能隙半導體(Wideband Gap Semicocustors)中,碳化矽半導體(SiC)功率元件隨著電源的開關速率提高,雙脈衝測試 (Double-Pulse Testing)亦備受矚目,此測試方式利用巧妙的電路結構檢測功率器件的瞬態開關特性、吸收電路設計、短路特性…等的實際表現,同時適用於MOSFET及IGBT之量測。
- 以Double Pulse Test 協助寬能隙半導體 於電源轉換器功率級的設計及驗證 — Professor Ming-His Huang
- 新一代示波器與雙脈衝測試 — CS Wong
- Double Pulse於寬能隙半導體產品開發及驗證的應用 — Aya Chan
- Double Pulse Test for Fast Prototyping — Kevin Hermanns
- 車用電力電子產品設計驗證與可靠度評估 — Edward Su
黃明熙博士 / 國立臺北科技大學 電機工程系教授
CS Wong / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Asia
Mr. CS Wong has over 20 years of experience in Test & Measurement, and is considered to be an oscilloscope expert among his peers in the industry. With R&S, he takes care now the mid-range oscilloscope as product manager with focus on power electronics applications.
In his earlier career with Intel working on Chipset Electrical Validation, he involved in USB, DDR and DisplayPort measurement methodology development. He later move to Platform Application where he worked closely with ODM and OEM in motherboard design.
Aya Chan / Marketing manager of WBG products, Diodes Incorporated
Process Engineering in NXP
Power module Development in Sentec E&E
Marketing of WBG Discrete and Module in Diodes
Kevin Hermanns / Managing Director, PE System
Kevin Hermanns is founder and managing director of PE-Systems GmbH. PE-Systems offers solutions in the field of design automation for power electronics including automated characterization and device modelling. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Kevin started his professional career at Siemens in the project office of large-scale railway automation projects. Afterwards, he worked as a research associate at the Technical University of Darmstadt in the Power Electronics Department. During this time, his research interests focused mainly on the distortions of high-power converters. He actively contributed to Cigre working group B4.67, which resulted in the technical brochure “AC side harmonics and appropriate limits for VSC HVDC”. He is also an active participant in national and international standardization committees (e.g. IEC and CENELEC). The past two years Kevin was the founding chair of the newly formed IEEE Power Electronics Society Technical Committee on Design Methodologies. As such, he sees his role as promoting the use of novel design methodologies. In particular, he focuses on the interaction between design tools and test and measurement techniques.
Edward Su / Product Development Manager, Delta Electronics
Product development manager with over 15 years of in-depth experience in the automotive motor drive business. Team leader in managing cross-hardware, software, mechanical, and CAE engineering teams' efforts and continuing development process improvement based on IATF 16949, ASPICE, ISO 26262, and ISO/SAE 21434.
Researcher with two years of fuel cell inverter application experience. Design and development of standalone and grid-tied type converters/inverters for fuel cell systems. Leader in technologies development of power electronics, thermal management, mechanical structure, and control software.