10月14日 週五
PLAN: Wi-Fi 6/6E Basics - What you need to know to be successful
We will arm you with the knowledge you need to layout your channel and SSID plans and ensure you have the capacity necessary to support your new network.
2022年10月14日 上午12:00 – 上午1:00 [GMT+8]
Just when you thought you knew everything necessary to deploy and maintain a Wi-Fi network, a whole new set of channels and frequencies is introduced, along with all the promises of higher speeds and better performance. Before running out and deploying a pile of access points and clients, join us for this webinar on the basics of Wi-Fi 6/6E. We will arm you with the knowledge you need to layout your channel and SSID plans and ensure you have the capacity necessary to support your new network.
• Overview of Wi-Fi 6/6E
• Creating a channel plan
• Creating a SSID plan
• PoE and Ethernet speeds, keeping up with the Wi-Fi
• Cleaning up the old Wi-Fi while deploying the new
• Maintaining a secure and reliable network
• Rookie mistakes
REGISTER NOW and learn in a fun way with quizzes and polls about the basics of Wi-Fi 6/6E.